Sofia Jannok has released a new album. Listen to it and write in the comment what you think. The album Lávv U is also available on Tidal and Apple music if you do not have Spotify. I give the album 3 out of 5 oranges.
I give my grades after oranges as a tribute to the group Ravggon’s song “In dárbbat appelsiinnaid” which means I do not need oranges.
The year 2020 ended a few days ago. Now you get the opportunity to vote for last year’s best music video from Sápmi. The last day to vote is January 31, 2021. The winner will be announced later this year.
Link to pollen can be found at the bottom of these posts.
1. Kajsa Balto – Buot Eallán
Nominated for it shows that nature is still alive in Sápmi.
Music video by Ørjan Marakatt Bertelsen.
2. Keiino – Black Leather feat. Charlotte Qamaniq
Nominated because it makes us dream of the day when we can dance close to each other again.
Music video by Ruediger Schramm & Tom Hugo Hermansen (Producers)
3. ISÁK – Ain Du
Nominated for all the amazing special effects.
Music video by Marius Iversen (Directed, shot and editen).
4. Guorga – Duoddara modjegobit
Nominated because it shows what the time between winter and spring looks like in Sápmi.
Musik video by Katja Gauriloff (Director), Lada Suomenrinne (Camera) and Timo Peltola (Editing).
5. Sofia Jannok – Mitt skinn och ben feat Annika Norlin
Nominated because it shows that a music video can be beautiful even if you record it indoors.
Music video by Per-Josef Idivuoma
6. VILDÁ – Utsjoki-Disko
Nominated because it shows that you can have a party anywhere.
Sofia Jannok has translated the song Skinny love by American artist Bon Iver. The song will be featured on her upcoming ep Vacker Dálvi which will be released on February 13th.
Swedish artist Annika Norlin is the artist who sings together with Sofia Jannok on Mitt skinn och ben.